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Tag: Learn Korean

Language Courses at All You Can Books – Part 2

All You Can Books: The Hub of Language Courses

“With Languages, you are at home anywhere”

Edward De Waal

Check out our Part 1 if you still have not. Here at All You Can Books you can listen and learn, any language of your choice. Become a pro with practise workbooks to stay on top of your game.

Russian | Learn to Speak

This course is designed to prepare students for life in Russia by giving the necessary basic skills in the language. Leaving the student with the ability under no hesitation any number of situations from day to day life.

Korean - Beginner | Learn to Speak

You are about to begin a course designed to enable you to communicate in situations that you are likely to encounter in Korea. The emphasis of the course is on speaking and understand Korean, and you will be working extensively with tapes. Reading and writing Korean is optional; we encourage you to at least become familiar with the alphabet. With only a little practice you will be able to read people’s names of streets or shops.

Portuguese - Beginner | Learn to Speak

Learning Portuguese is the gateway to one of the most unique, exotic, and exciting cultures in the world. The remarkable blend of European, Indian and African cultures come together to form a society of fun-loving, creative, and forward looking people.

Norwegian | Learn to Speak

The Norwegian course is designed to give the student a basic overview of the daily life of Norway. Giving the student the ability to say enough to get through the basic conversation.

Italian - Introduction | Learn to Speak

Along with language ability, a genuine interest in the cultural life of a host country can also work wonders. You will discover that learning about Italian culture will help you in your language study, since true mastery of any language requires an understanding of the people who speak it. This course offers an introduction to a rich and varied culture that has evolved over many centuries.

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Language Courses at All You Can Books – Part 1

All You Can Books: The Hub of Language Courses

Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.

Flora Lewis

All You Can Books can proudly say that we have a collection of varied language courses, in audiobooks. You and listen and learn. Learn the exact pronunciations and at varying levels.

Spanish - Beginner - Class 1 | Learn to Speak

In this Beginner Course, the materials in this book have been developed to present Spanish as a spoken language, and the skills of understanding and speaking are accordingly emphasized. Once done with the course the student will have a more prominent understand in basic communication skills.

French - Beginner - Class 1 | Learn to Speak

This French Beginner Course has been designed to help students reach a level of proficiency which will enable them to participate effectively in most formal and informal conversations.

Japanese | Learn to Speak

The 10 modules of this course provide practical language skills and cultural information that will make it easier for you to get around and adjust to life in Japan. Since this course is self-paced and most of the modules may be taken in any sequence, you are free to decide which module to study first and how much time to devote to it.

German - Introduction | Learn to Speak

The German Introduction Program will provide an orientation in the German language and culture. When you finish this program, you will be able to communicate with
Germans in several basic situations. For example, you will be able to ask for directions, change money, buy a ticket, order a meal, take a cab, get a hotel room, do some shopping, make phone calls, and engage in simple conversations.

Chinese - Beginner | Learn to Speak

This course is designed to give a practical command of spoken Standard Chinese. Nine situational modules form the core of the course. Each core module consists of tapes, a student textbook, and a workbook. In addition to the core modules, there is a resource module and six optional modules.
This Beginner Module teaches particular systems in the language such as date and time.

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Know The World: South Korea

All You Can Books: South Korea

Facts about South Korea you’ll read below will totally wow you. It is called the Impossible Country for going from a war-torn wasteland to one of the most thriving economies in the world, South Korea has a distinct culture and history which has only recently reached an international audience. 

  • In Korea, babies are considered one year old at birth
  • Dream of pigs for good luck

Although it might sound strange, dreaming about pigs is said to bring good fortune in Korea. In early Korea, pigs symbolized money and wealth. Until the 1970s, pigs were so valued in Korea that students could even pay their university entrance fees by selling a pig.

  • The number 4 is considered bad luck as it is written the same way as the Chinese character for death. The number is often replaced with the letter “F,” such as when using an elevator
  • It is a law in South Korea that online banking and shopping must be done through Internet Explorer
  • South Korea has free WiFi everywhere

If you’re the type of person who can’t be away from the internet, you’d never have to worry about it in South Korea. The country offers free connectivity even on the most remote islands.

  • The Korean entertainment industry is becoming one of the biggest in the world
BTS Brought Even More Joy With the B-Side 'Dynamite' Music Video

K-pop, k-movies, k-drama, k-beauty… the K’s all around! Not only do you hear Korean music even in European supermarkets these days, but also the cinema has made it to the world stage. As one of the biggest global movie industries, it is also won its first Oscar: Boon’s Parasite. The world is now obsessed with learning the Korean Language.

  • Taxis in South Korea are color-coded according to the level of service offered. A gray or white taxi is a basic car with a qualified but potentially inexperienced driver, while the black cabs are luxury cars with experienced drivers.
  • South Korea’s national dish is kimchi, which is a combination of vegetables and spices that have been fermented underground for months. It is served with almost everything. The first written description of making kimchi dates to about AD 1250 and there are about 170 varieties of the dish
  • Jinro Soju has been the best-selling liquor in the world for 11 consecutive years
south korea jinro soju
Image by Matt @ PEK from Wikimedia Commons

This South Korean distilled rice liquor surpassed Smirnoff Vodka in the world records for 11 years straight. Definitely one of the cooler South Korea facts

  • South Korea is the largest market for plastic surgery per capita in the world. It is estimated between 1/5 and 1/3 of the women in Seoul have gone under the knife for at least one cosmetic procedure

South Korea is definitely an interesting country that is modern but in touch with its culture, it also has cultural inspiration from Japan.

Check out our All You Can Books Blog for Interesting Facts on multiple countries.

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