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Month: May 2018

The Ten Books on Architecture

The Ten Books on Architecture by Vitruvius Pollio

The Ten Books on Architecture by Vitruvius Pollio

On Architecture is a treatise on architecture written by the Roman architect Vitruvius and dedicated to his patron, the emperor Caesar Augustus as a guide for building projects. The work is one of the most important sources of modern knowledge of Roman building methods as well as the planning and design of structures, both large (aqueducts, buildings, baths, harbours) and small (machines, measuring devices, instruments). He is also the prime source of the famous story of Archimedes and his bath-time discovery. (Summary from Wikipedia)

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Down South, or Yacht Adventures in Florida

Down South, or Yacht Adventures in Florida by Oliver Optic

Down South, or Yacht Adventures in Florida by Oliver Optic

“Down South” is the fifth and last volume but one of the “Great Western Series.” The action of the story is confined entirely to Florida; and this fact may seem to belie the title of the Series. But the young yachtsman still maintains his hold upon the scenes of his earlier life in Michigan, and his letters come regularly from that State. If he were old enough to vote, he could do so only in Michigan; and therefore he has not lost his right to claim a residence there during his temporary sojourn in the South. Besides, half his ship’s company are Western boys, who carry with them from “The Great Western” family of States whatever influence they possess in their wanderings through other sections of the grand American Union.

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The Upas Tree, A Christmas Story For All the Year

The Upas Tree, A Christmas Story For All the Year by Florence L. Barclay

The Upas Tree, A Christmas Story For All the Year by Florence L. Barclay

Ronald West has a brilliant idea for his next novel, but to do it right, he wants to spend the next six months tramping around central Africa to experience the setting first hand. His wife Helen fully supports his trip, but for the first time in their marriage, she refuses to go along herself. Ronnie is disappointed at her reticence, but plows ahead, planning to be back in England by Christmas. But when Ronnie returns, something is seriously the matter which threatens to make his reunion with Helen, and their Christmas together, anything but merry.

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