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Month: October 2018

Scenes in Europe, For the Amusement and Instruction of Little Tarry at Home Traveller

Scenes in Europe, For the Amusement and Instruction of Little Tarry at Home Traveller by Isaac Taylor

Scenes in Europe, For the Amusement and Instruction of Little Tarry at Home Traveller by Isaac Taylor

In this little volume, Isaac Taylor takes us on a tour of Europe, anno 1824. We travel once around the entire continent, starting in England, through Scandinavia, Russia, down to Turkey, over the Alps, France, Spain, and back to England. The tour is made with poems and prose, and should be of interest to all listeners.

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My Travels, A Family Story

My Travels, A Family Story by Maria Hackett

My Travels, A Family Story by Maria Hackett

This is not a family history. Family histories are invariably dull and of interest to only a few who have a belief in, and are proud of, their pedigree. It is the story of the mother of a family who led a very eventful life and traveled many thousands of miles, at a time when to meet with a traveled person was exceedingly rare.

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