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Month: September 2018

Three Years in Europe

Three Years in Europe by William Wells Brown

Three Years in Europe by William Wells Brown

William Wells Brown was born a slave, near Lexington, Kentucky. His mother, Elizabeth, was a slave–his father a white man who never acknowledged his paternity. Brown escaped slavery at about the age of 20. For many years he worked as a steamboatman and as a conductor for the Underground Railroad in Buffalo, New York. In 1843, he became a lecturer for the Western New York Anti-Slavery Society, and was a contemporary of Frederick Douglass.

Brown went to Europe in 1849 to encourage British support for the anti-slavery movement in the United States. He remained there until 1854 when British abolitionists purchased his freedom. Soon afterward, he returned to the United States to continue his work in the abolitionist movement.

Three Years In Europe; Or, Places I Have Seen and People I Have Met is a series of letters that Brown wrote to certain of his friends. A few were destined for publication in The Liberator, the famed abolitionist journal published by Frederick Douglass. In the letters, Brown described his impressions while traveling across Europe, meeting and sharing his experiences first as a slave and then as a fugitive.

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The Vikings

The Vikings by Allen Mawer

The Vikings by Allen Mawer

This is a concise history of the Vikings by Allen Mawer, MA, Professor of English Language and Literature in Armstrong College, University of Durham: late Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. It includes the following chapters: I.Causes of the Viking movement; II.The Viking movement down to the middle of the 9th century; III.The Vikings in England to the death of Harthacnut ; IV.The Vikings in the Frankish Empire to the founding of Normandy (911);V. The Vikings in Ireland to the battle of Clontarf (1014); VI.The Vikings in the Orkneys, Scotland, the Western Islands and Man; VII.The Vikings in Baltic lands and Russia; VIII.Viking civilisation; IX. Scandinavian influence in the Orkneys, Shetlands, the Western Islands and Man; X. Scandinavian influence in Ireland ; XI. Scandinavian influence in England; and XII. Scandinavian influence in the Empire and Iceland.

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A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy

A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy by Laurence Sterne

A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy by Laurence Sterne

After the bizarre textual antics of “Tristram Shandy”, this book would seem to require a literary health warning. Sure enough, it opens in mid-conversation upon a subject never explained; meanders after a fashion through a hundred pages, then fizzles out in mid-sentence – so, a plotless novel lacking a beginning, a middle or an end. Let us say: an exercise in the infinitely comic.

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South African Memories

South African Memories by Lady Sarah Wilson

South African Memories by Lady Sarah Wilson

Lady Sarah Isabella Augusta Wilson was the aunt of Winston Spencer Churchill. In 1899 she became the first woman war correspondent when she was recruited to cover the Siege of Mafeking for the Daily Mail during the Boer War. She moved to Mafeking with her husband at the start of the war, where he was aide-de-camp to Colonel Robert Baden-Powell. Baden-Powell asked her to leave Mafeking for her own safety after the Boers threatened to storm the British garrison. This she duly did, and set off on a madcap adventure in the company of her maid, traveling through the South African countryside until she was finally captured by the enemy and returned to the town in exchange for a horse thief being held there. Dwindling food supplies became a constant theme in the stories she sent back to the Mail and the situation seemed hopeless when the garrison was hit by an outbreak of malarial typhoid. In this weakened state the Boers managed to penetrate the outskirts of the town but the British stood firm and repelled the assault. ( Summary by Wikipedia )

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The Shield

The Shield

The Shield

This is not merely a book about the Russian Jews. It is a marvelous revelation of the Russian soul. It shows not only that the overwhelming majority of the Russian intellectuals, including nearly all of her brilliant literary geniuses, are opposed to the persecution of the Jews or any other race, but that they have a capacity for sympathy and understanding of humanity unequaled in any other land. I do not know of any book where the genius and heart of Russia is better displayed. Not only her leading litterateurs but also her leading statesmen and economists are represented—and all of them speak as with a single voice.

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Lift-Luck on Southern Roads

Lift-Luck on Southern Roads by Tickner Edwardes

Lift-Luck on Southern Roads by Tickner Edwardes

Here for you is the tale of my latest solitary ramble. The journey covers, as you shall see, some two hundred odd miles, through five southern counties of England, and was conceived on an unusual plan. To keep clear of the main roads, and, with two exceptions, the great towns; seeking out the least frequented lanes and by-paths. I covered the whole two-hundred-mile stretch of the way, with camera and pack at surprisingly little expense, by means of lifts taken in any chance vehicle that might be faring in my direction. My plan consisted in waiting by the roadside, or strolling gently onward until something on wheels, it mattered not what, overtook me.

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Loafing Along Death Valley Trails

Loafing Along Death Valley Trails by William Alexander Caruthers

Loafing Along Death Valley Trails by William Alexander Caruthers

William Caruthers was a retired newspaperman who spent 25 years listening to stories told by the inhabitants of Death Valley. This 1951 book collects those stories; the printed version has many interesting pictures. ”Of the actors who made the history of the period, few remain. It was the writer’s good fortune that many of these men were his friends. It is the romance, the comedy, the often stark tragedy these men left along the trail which you will find in the pages that follow.”

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