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“Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done”
Robert A. Heinlein
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Thoughts on Art and Life by Leonardo da Vinci
Available in E-book and Audiobook format.
This is a compilation of the thoughts on art, science, and life of Leonardo da Vinci, translated by Maurice Baring and edited by Lewis Einstein.
The Burgess Animal Book for Children by Thornton W. Burgess
Peter Rabbit goes to school, with Mother Nature as his teacher. In this zoology book for children, Thornton W. Burgess describes the mammals of North America in the form of an entertaining story, including plenty of detail but omitting long scientific names. There is an emphasis on conservation.
Cosmos by Alexander von Humboldt
Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt was a Prussian geographer, naturalist, explorer, and influential proponent of romantic philosophy. Many consider him to be the last of the great polymaths. After his death, the scientific world began to divide into separate disciplines, each with its own knowledgeable but narrowly defined experts. Humboldt’s mind encompassed all that was then known of nature in one great whole.
Sidelights on Relativity by Albert Einstein
Sidelights on Relativity contains ETHER AND THE THEORY OF RELATIVITY, an address delivered on May 5th, 1920, in the University of Leyden; and GEOMETRY AND EXPERIENCE, an expanded form of an address to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin on January 27th, 1921.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex by Havelock Ellis
The first of six volumes, this volume covers in extensive detail the topics of “The Evolution of Modesty”, “The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity”, and “Auto-Eroticism”. Written as an anthropological and psychological study from the point of view of Havelock, the famous British sexologist of the late 19th century, who was also a physician and social reformer.
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