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Month: January 2016

Wilderness: A Journal of Quiet Adventure in Alaska

Wilderness: A Journal of Quiet Adventure in Alaska by Rockwell Kent

Wilderness: A Journal of Quiet Adventure in Alaska by Rockwell Kent

Wilderness: A Journal of Quiet Adventure in Alaska — Memoir of the fall and winter of 1918/19 painting and exploring with his eldest son – also Rockwell – on Fox Island in Resurrection Bay, Alaska

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A Lady’s Life on a Farm in Manitoba

A Lady's Life on a Farm in Manitoba by Mrs. Cecil Hall

A Lady's Life on a Farm in Manitoba by Mrs. Cecil Hall

In 1881, Mrs. Cecil Hall’s brother went to Manitoba to farm. In 1882, she went out for a visit of some two months, and followed that visit with a long sojourn in Colorado, returning to England as the snows began to fall. While there, she had to give up her “Lady’s ways” and help on the farm in many ways she’d never stoop to at home. She makes hay, cooks, paints the barn roof, and cleans. Through it all, the newness helped her keep her temper, and these letters home show an insight into the settlement of Western Canada.

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The Ghost Ship

The Ghost Ship by John C. Hutcheson

The Ghost Ship by John C. Hutcheson

This book intentionally veers in and out of the supernatural, as the title implies. The officers get more and more bewildered as they work out their position, and yet again encounter the same vessel going in an impossible direction. Having warned you of this, I must say that it is a well-written book about life aboard an ocean-going steamer at about the end of the nineteenth century.

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