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Month: April 2017

From North Carolina to Southern California

From North Carolina to Southern California by John Peele

From North Carolina to Southern California by John Peele

“… I have decided to write an account of a few of the many adventures and dangers that befell me while making my way, practically without a penny, from Tarboro, North Carolina, to Tucson, Arizona; and thence to the stricken city of San Francisco, Cal., and other points of interest throughout the West, including New Orleans, Dallas, Texas, Fort Worth, El Paso, Dalhart, Texas, Alamogordo, New Mexico, Juarez, Old Mexico, Bisbee, Arizona, Los Angeles, California, San Pedro, California, Searchlight, Nevada, Denver, Colorado, and more than a hundred other points of interest….” (From the Preface)

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Wild Wales

Wild Wales by George Henry Borrow

Wild Wales by George Henry Borrow

The book recounts Borrow’s experiences, insights and personal encounters whilst touring Wales alone on foot after a family holiday in Llangollen in 1854. Although contemporary critics dismissed its whimsical tone, it quickly became popular with readers as a travel book and more importantly as a very lively account of the literary, social and geographical history of Wales. Borrow’s engaging character comes across especially in his meetings with various itinerants – mostly native and peasant – along the muddy Welsh path. Borrow’s keen ear for dialogue may remind us of a Dickens or Trollope, and like the latter his wit and wisdom are rarely absent. Indeed the author has been described as an “eccentric, larger-than-life, jovial man whose laughter rings all through the book”.

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A Popular History of Ireland – Volume 2

A Popular History of Ireland - Volume 2 by Thomas D'Arcy McGee

A Popular History of Ireland – Volume 2 by Thomas D'Arcy McGee

Thomas D’Arcy McGee was an Irish refugee and a father of the Canadian confederation. His work on Irish history is comprehensive, encompassing twelve books

Book 8, subtitled “The Era of the Reformation”, addresses the late Tudor period, particularly the reigns of the children of Henry VIII, and ends with the end of the reign of Elizabeth I.

Book 9 subtitled “From the Accession of James I Till the Death of Cromwell”, addresses the early Stuart period’s unsettled history and the actions of that person, who, seen from the Irish perspective, was certainly one of the most villainous of men: Cromwell.

Book 10 subtitled “From the Restoration of Charles II to the Accession of George I”, addresses the period of the restoration and the further oppresion of the Irish people and religion.

Book 11 subtitled “From the Accession of George I to the Legislative Union of England and Ireland”, addresses the 1700s, the Georges, the further oppression of the Irish people, and the final dismissal of the Irish Parliament.

Book 12 subtitled “From the Union of Great Britain and Ireland to the Emancipation of the Catholics”, addresses the period of the creation of the United Kingdom to the granting of religious freedom in Ireland.

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The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria

The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria by W. Scott-Elliot

The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria by W. Scott-Elliot

A theosophist and believer of the Occult, W. Scott-Elliot gives us a description of the history and structure of Atlantis and Lemuria, along with what he considers evidence of this.

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The Travels of Marco Polo – Volume 2

The Travels of Marco Polo - Volume 2 by Marco Polo and Rustichello da Pisa

The Travels of Marco Polo – Volume 2 by Marco Polo and Rustichello da Pisa

“The Travels of Marco Polo”, is a 13th-century travelogue written down by Rustichello da Pisa from stories told by Marco Polo, describing the travels of the latter through Asia, Persia, China, and Indonesia between 1271 and 1291.It’s been a very famous and popular book since the 14th century, creating the image of Marco Polo as the icon of the bold traveller. Presenting Marco Polo as an important figure at the court of the Mongol leader Kublai Khan, the book was written in Old French by Rustichello da Pisa, a romance author of the time, who was reportedly working from accounts which he had heard from Marco Polo when they were imprisoned in Genoa, having been captured while on a ship.

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