All You Can Books: Russia

We’ve highlighted some of the most surprising facts about Russia. Think you know everything there is to know about Russia? You might want to think again. Let’s take a dive inside one of the world’s most mysterious nations.
Top 10 Interesting Facts on Russia
- The Deepest Lake in Russia

Lake Baikal is often considered the “Galapagos of Russia.”
The Baikal is the deepest lake in Russia, it is a large world reservoir for freshwater.
Peschanaya Bay on Lake Baikal is completely frozen over during the winter. The frozen bubbles beneath the ice are from hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the lake sending heated water to the surface
- The Ural mountains are among the oldest mountains on Earth and are generally not very high, more often looking like large hills, though there are some taller ones, too.
- The Finest Caviar in the World

Russian caviar, along with Iranian caviar, is considered to be the finest caviar available in the world.
- Every day over 9 million passengers rides the Metro, Moscow’s vast underground subway system. In a single day, an average of 9915 trains operates between 5 am—1 am. Moscow metro is the fastest means of transport, trains are scheduled for every 90 seconds in a rush-hour
- The intelligence level of Russian people is considered up to 99%. There are more than 600 universities in the country
- Kremlin of Moscow is the world biggest medieval fortress built in XIV-XV centuries
- In January16, 1820, Russian expedition led by Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev discovered Antarctica
- January 31, 1990!

There are many important dates in Russia’s history – none more important that January 31, 1990. A date that will live in infamy in the hearts and minds of Russians everywhere. It marked the day that a Russian citizen could order their very first McDonald’s burger on their soil.
- Bear Addictions

Russia is known for the number of bears that live across the nation. However, did you know that some of them are battling their own demons? That’s right: the bears at Kronotsky Nature Reserve in South Kamchatka are busy battling addictions.
Weirdly, a lot of the bears in the area are addicted to kerosene and gas barrels that are used for jet fuel. No one knows how this crisis started, but many have witnessed them hunt down planes in the area to get a taste of that sweet, sweet gas.
- Ushanka (Ear-flaps hat) is a traditional Russian winter hat with ear flaps that can be tied up at the chin to protect the ears from cold
We have traveled all around the world, We visited beautiful Canada, to the Tech Giant of Japan, the delicious land of Belgium or The land of the Effiel Tower of France.
Its best before planning your trip to Russia, you learn you Russian, this will make your trip more memorable.
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