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The Story of My Boyhood and Youth

The Story of My Boyhood and Youth by John Muir

The Story of My Boyhood and Youth by John Muir

“The only fire for the whole house was the kitchen stove, with a fire box about eighteen inches long and eight inches wide and deep,- scant space for three or four small sticks, around which in hard zero weather all the family of ten shivered, and beneath which in the morning we found our socks and coarse, soggy boots frozen solid.” Thus, with perceptive eye for detail, the American naturalist, John Muir, describes life on a pioneer Wisconsin farm in the 1850’s. Muir was only eleven years old when his father uprooted the family from a relatively comfortable life in Dunbar, Scotland, to settle in the backwoods of North America.

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The History of London

The History of London by Sir Walter Besant

The History of London by Sir Walter Besant

Walter Besant was a novelist and historian, and his topographical and historical writings, ranging from prehistoric times to the nineteenth century, were probably best known through the detailed 10-volume Survey of London published after his death.

This earlier single volume covers, in less depth, the whole period from prehistory until the 19th century. The book appears originally to have been written for boys, and, indeed, the chapters are called “Lessons”. However, it is a very readable history and provides a fascinating insight into both London’s past and the government of the City at the time the book was written.

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The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano by Olaudah Equiano

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano by Olaudah Equiano

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, written in 1789, is the autobiography of Olaudah Equiano. It discusses his time spent in slavery, serving primarily on galleys, documents his attempts at becoming an independent man through his study of the Bible, and his eventual success in gaining his own freedom and in business thereafter. The book contains an interesting discussion of slavery in West Africa and illustrates how the experience differs from the dehumanizing slavery of the Americas. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano is also one of the first widely read slave narratives.

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Indian Home Rule

Indian Home Rule by Mahatma Gandhi

Indian Home Rule by Mahatma Gandhi

First written in Gandhi’s native language Gujarati, this booklet advocates for Indian non-violent self-rule during the struggle for Indian independence against the British Empire. It is written as a dialogue between two characters. In it, the “Reader” serves as a typical Indian countryman (the targeted audience for Hind Swaraj), who voices common beliefs and arguments of the time concerning Indian independence, while Gandhi, the “Editor,” explains why those arguments are flawed and interjects his own valuable arguments of self-reliance, passive resistance and the Indian identity.

The Gujarati-language publication was banned from publication by the British in India, causing Gandhi to translate it to English himself to evade the British authorities, as well as rally support from English-speaking Indians and international supporters of independence. It is now considered the intellectual blueprint of India’s independence movement.

Enjoy this wonderful book from All You Can Books audiobooks and ebooks service. Visit us at for more great titles you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

Perfumes and Their Preparation

Perfumes and Their Preparation by George William Askinson

Perfumes and Their Preparation by George William Askinson

Most of us take for granted the sense of smell. It gives pleasure, warning, anticipation and a sense of nostalgia. People have used perfumes since the days of Ancient Persia and Egypt in order to improve their personal smell. In this work, Askinson traces the history of perfumery and gives us an overview of the sources of perfumes and how they are manipulated to enhance our lives.

Enjoy this wonderful book from All You Can Books audiobooks and ebooks service. Visit us at for more great titles you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

E-books & Audiobooks to Improve your Confidence

All You Can Books: Your E-book hub

Confidence can be interpreted as an inspiration from a self-help book, or even your favorite character from a fictional book. It is time to get inspired and boost your confidence through these e-books and audiobook:

Laugh and Live by Douglas Fairbanks

Laugh and Live | Douglas Fairbanks

This book is available in e-book and audiobook format.

Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. was an American actor, screenwriter, director and producer. He was best known for his swashbuckling roles in silent films such as The Thief of Baghdad, Robin Hood, and The Mark of Zorro. His book, Laugh and Live, is a book about positive virtues and advice for leading a good, healthy, and successful life. An advisory about this book is in order. It was written at a time when “men went to work, women kept house, and supported their man”. Some of the writing and references are old-fashioned by today’s standards. Several ideas may be at odds with plans for successful lives today, especially for female listeners. Listeners should still find many valuable common-sense suggestions for leading a wholesome life

Thinking As A Science by Henry Hazlitt

Thinking As A Science | Henry Hazlitt

This book is available in e-book and audiobook format.

Written in a conversational style that will appeal to the younger person as well as seasoned professional, “Thinking as a Science” is timeless classic. Through eleven chapters, the last being a descriptive, annotated bibliography, Henry Hazlitt systematically takes the step-by-step on the process of introducing logic and context into the thinking process. The rather long chapter on “Reading and Thinking” clarifies several notions on where one needs to understand where mere knowledge acquisition ends and using reading the stimulate thinking begins. For an individual who was largely self taught, Hazlitt’s contribution to the process of thinking is a must-read

The Wisdom of Father Brown by G. K. Chesterton

The Wisdom of Father Brown | G. K. Chesterton

This book is available in e-book and audiobook format.

This is the second of five books of short stories about G. K. Chesterton’s fictional detective. Father Brown is a short, nondescript Catholic Priest with shapeless clothes and a large umbrella who has an uncanny insight into human evil. His methods, unlike those of his near-contemporary Sherlock Holmes, although based on observation of details often unnoticed by others, tended to be intuitive rather than deductive. Although clearly devout, he always emphasizes rationality: despite his religiousness and his belief in God and miracles, he manages to see the perfectly ordinary, natural explanation of the problem. He is a devout, educated and “civilized” clergyman, who is totally familiar with contemporary and secular thought and behavior. His character was thought to be based on Father John O’Connor, a parish priest in Bradford, Yorkshire.

Making Your Own World by Warren Hilton

Making Your Own World | Warren Hilton

This book is available in e-book format.

I. All human achievement comes about through bodily activity.

II. All bodily activity is caused, controlled and directed by the mind.

To these two fundamental propositions we now append a third, which needs no proof, but follows as a natural and logical conclusion from the other two:

III. The Mind is the instrument you must employ for the accomplishment of any purpose.
Three Postulates for this Course

With these three fundamental propositions as postulates, it will be the end and aim of this Course of Reading to develop plain, simple and specific methods and directions for the most efficient use of the mind in the attainment of practical ends.

It Can Be Done

It Can Be Done |

This book is available in e-book and audiobook format.

This book contains many poems of inspiration, joy and hope. Just the thing to encourage our spirits and strengthen our backbone when troubles seem too much. The purpose of this volume is to bring men courage and resolution, to cheer them, to fire them with new confidence when they grow dispirited, to strengthen their faith that THINGS CAN BE DONE. It is better for this purpose than the entire works of any one poet, for it takes the cream of many and has greater diversity than any one writer can show. Besides the poems themselves, the volume contains helps to their understanding and enjoyment. The pieces are introduced by short comments; these serve the same purpose as the strain played by the pianist before the singer begins to sing; they create a mood, give a point of view, throw light on the meaning of what follows.

Do check out our lists of cookbooks & part 2, self-help, books of humor, Horror booksReligious BooksRomance Part 1 and Part 2Short Stories Children’s books part 2Books on Nature and Science and Language courses Part 1 and Part 2.

All You Can Books has exciting news!! there are NEW additions  and a Part 2 , check them out.

Interested in Fantasy books? we have got youBooks for young adultsSci-Fi Books?  Historical Thrillers? We got you!

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All New E-books on All You Can Books Part 2

All You Can BooksYour E-book Library

We are so excited to have all new additions to All You Can Books, check out Part 1 in case you missed out on our new additions from the previous blog. Let us wind down, get a nice cup of tea, and dive into these amazing stories.

Punished By Silence by Jwyan C. Johnson

Punished By Silence | Jwyan C. Johnson

You can read this E-book here.

When a twin girl goes missing, an anonymous request for the Clue Queen herself is granted. But Detective Dedra Kare finds the obstacles of her own past in this case first! She must emotionally outrun her flashbacks as the current investigation turns into a game of Hide-and-Seek but on a legal field of child custody, narcissistic parenting, and a single teddy bear. But with every hidden motive playing too, is Dedra the one who’s IT?

Whenever You Want by Stephanie Van Orman

Whenever You Want | Stephanie Van Orman

You can read this E-book here.

Christina Witten didn’t want to be an escort! She wanted to be an administrative assistant, not a make-believe trophy on a man’s arm. If she could only make a bit of money, she could finish her course at the college and have the career of her dreams. Fate, however, threw her nothing but curveballs. The men she dated as an escort were supposed to be boring and she was certainly not tempted to fall in love with one of them. It had been a breeze until Mark Lewis entered the scene.

Dizzying Depths by Lance Manion

Dizzying Depths | Lance Manion

You can read this E-book here.

They say that good writing comes as a result of introspection. Events unfold in such a way that you are required to unflinchingly stand in front of a mirror, look yourself square in the eye and take stock of who you are and where you’re going. When those moments happen a funhouse mirror will do nicely. Look at how big my head is.

The Viking by Marti Talbott

The Viking | Marti Talbott

You can read this E-book here.

At not quite fifteen, Stefan’s father finally let him board the longship Sja Vinna to take part in his first Viking raid. Yet, the battle was not at all what he expected, and he soon found himself alone and stranded in Scotland. Thirteen-year-old Kannak’s problem was just as grave. Her father deserted them and the only way to survive, she decided, was to take a husband over her mother‘s objections. Suddenly she was helping a hated Viking escape. Could Kannak successfully hide a Viking in the middle of a Scottish Clan? And why was someone plotting to kill the clan’s beloved laird?

The Dragon Throne by Chrys Cympi

The Dragon Throne | Chrys Cympi

You can read this E-book here.

How far should Fianna go to claim the Dragon Throne? She faces division amongst the royal knights after the death of her father, and in desperation summons the dragons to support her claim. The dragon’s challenge will take her to their Sacred Mountains, and her loyalties will be tested as she is befriended by one of their enemies, an injured unicorn. A story of love, friendship, and betrayal.

Do check out our lists of cookbooks & part 2, self-help, books of humor, Horror booksReligious BooksRomance Part 1 and Part 2Short Stories Children’s books part 2Books on Nature and Science and Language courses Part 1 and Part 2.

All You Can Books has exciting news!! they are NEW additions you can check out.

Interested in Fantasy books? we have got youBooks for young adultsSci-Fi Books?  Historical Thrillers? We got you!

Want to be an entrepreneurAll You Can Book provides all the necessary resources.

Tune into to celebrate women authors. Also watch out for FREE podcasts

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