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Reasons why you should Read more!

All You Can Books: Read More

More than a quarter 26% of American adults admit to not having read even part of a book within the past year. That’s according to statistics coming out of the Pew Research Center. If you’re part of this group, know that science supports the idea that reading is good for you on several levels.

To Read or Not to Read is never the question. The Question is what to read? The answer… Anything and Everything.

  •  To Develop Your Verbal Abilities

Although it doesn’t always make you a better communicator, those who read tend to have a more varied range of words to express how they feel and to get their point across. This increases exponentially with the more volumes you consume, giving you a higher level of vocabulary to use in everyday life.

All You Can Books offers various language courses, in audiobooks for a better understanding.

  • Reading introduces you to new ideas and invites you to solve problems

Have you ever solved a case in a mystery book before you read the conclusion or predicted a turn of events in a novel? Your analytical thinking was stimulated merely from reading. Reading helps you detect patterns, solve problems, and assimilate new information as if you were living in the characters’ shoes.

  • Readers Enjoy The Arts And Improve The World

A study done by the NEA explains that people who read for pleasure are more times more likely (than those that don’t) to visit museums and attend concerts. And almost three times as likely to perform volunteer and charity work.

Readers are active participants in the world around them and that engagement is critical to individual and social well-being.

  • A book is a unique experience

Nobody is going to read a book and imagine the characters and story in their head in the same way you are, it’s a completely personal thing. Go watch a movie or a TV show and you will be entertained but in the same way that everyone else is because you are seeing the story how the Director and Producer translated the words onto the screen.

  • Improves Your Focus And Concentration

Unlike blog posts and news articles, sitting down with a book takes long periods of focus and concentration, which at first is hard to do. Being fully engaged in a book involves closing off the outside world and immersing yourself in the text. Which over time will strengthen your attention span.

Reading is not only fun, but it has all the added benefits that we have discussed so far. Much more enthralling than watching a movie or a TV show (although they have their many benefits as well). A good book can keep us amused while developing our life skills.

If you are fascinated about travel, do check our Travel Series.

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