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Tag: free ebooks (Page 3 of 8)

The Fan

The Fan by Mike Bozart

The Fan by Mike Bozart

An old electric fan mesmerizes a curious, hyper-inquisitive lad in Laos. He researches the model. Then it begins to wobble.

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The Red Shadows

The Red Shadows by Robert Howard

The Red Shadows by Robert Howard

Red Shadows is the first of a series of stories featuring Howard’s puritan avenger, Solomon Kane. Kane tracks his prey over land and sea, enters the jungles of Africa, and even faces dark Gods and evil magic — all to avenge a woman he’d never met before.

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The Influence of Sea Power

The Influence of Sea Power by Alfred Thayer Mahan

The Influence of Sea Power by Alfred Thayer Mahan

The Influence of Sea Power Upon History: 1660–1783 is a history of naval warfare written in 1890 by Alfred Thayer Mahan. It details the role of sea power during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and discusses the various factors needed to support and achieve sea power, with emphasis on having the largest and most powerful fleet. Scholars consider it the single most influential book in naval strategy. – Summary by Wikipedia

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Personal Narrative of Travels – Volume 1

Personal Narrative of Travels - Volume 1 by Alexander von Humboldt

Personal Narrative of Travels – Volume 1 by Alexander von Humboldt

In 1799, with extensive travel permissions from the Spanish government, Alexander von Humboldt and the botanist Aimé Bonpland departed for the Americas on a journey of exploration that would last well into 1804. In writing the “Personal Narrative…”, von Humboldt combined a description of the places and people of their travels with diverse scientific observations; but particularly of plants and animals, geology, weather and astronomy. von Humboldt’s narrative (and Thomasina Ross’s translation) of their adventures is marvelously well written and at times poetically descriptive. Volume I of the “Personal Narrative….”, covers their preparations, departure from Spain, and their travels to the Canary Islands, Tobago, Cumana and vicinity, and Caracas and vicinity in Venezuela. Alexander von Humboldt was a member of the Prussian aristocracy. He was well educated and as a young man worked as an inspector of mines. After receiving an inheritance from his Mother, he was able to follow his desire to explore and follow scientific pursuits, and was sufficiently wealthy to equip and fund his scientific expeditions. Although not a household name today (unless you live in one of the 18 places named after him), von Humboldt was the best known naturalist of his day, and his published observations and interpretations have a very important place in the history of science. For example, he strongly influenced Charles Darwin. He aimed to find the universal principles that integrate all aspects of nature (the Unity of Nature) rather than to just describe and as such is considered to be the founder of biogeography; and he is recognized as being among the first to describe the effect of human activity on climate.

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The Life of Cicero, Vol. 1

The Life of Cicero, Vol. 1 by Anthony Trollope

The Life of Cicero, Vol. 1 by Anthony Trollope

Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43BC) was an orator, statesman, philosopher and prolific correspondent, who rose as a ‘new man’ in Rome in the turbulent last years of its republican government. Anthony Trollope, best known as a novelist, admired Cicero greatly and wrote this biography late in life in order to argue his virtues against authors who had granted him literary greatness but questioned his strength as a politician and as a man. He takes a personal approach, affording us an insight into his own mind and times as well as those of his subject.

Volume I covers the period (up to the year 57BC) of Cicero’s education, his rise through the courts and offices of state to the Consulship, and his exile.

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The Making of a Nation: The Beginning of Israel’s History

The Making of a Nation: The Beginning of Israel's History by Charles Foster Kent

The Making of a Nation: The Beginning of Israel's History by Charles Foster Kent

Charles Foster Kent was one of the premier scholars in Jewish Studies. He was particularly well-known for his comparisons of early Christianity to its Jewish roots. He also wrote several distinguished histories of Israel, the Jewish people, Torah studies, and the development of oral Torah.

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The Three Cities Trilogy – Lourdes

The Three Cities Trilogy - Lourdes by Émile Zola

The Three Cities Trilogy – Lourdes by Émile Zola

This book describes a five day national pilgrimage to the holy shrine of Lourdes, where miracle cures are hoped for. The central character is a priest, Pierre, whose faith is faltering. He is accompanying his childhood sweetheart who has been stricken with paralysis and whose faith is strong. In the background of the great irony of this relationship, there are numerous sub-plots, some tragic, some whimsical, involving a large number of characters, set in the midst of organised chaos in the pilgrimage site. Through Pierre’s mental and spiritual experiences Zola explores the role of religious faith in a society coming to terms with science and reason.

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E-books & Audiobooks to Improve your Confidence

All You Can Books: Your E-book hub

Confidence can be interpreted as an inspiration from a self-help book, or even your favorite character from a fictional book. It is time to get inspired and boost your confidence through these e-books and audiobook:

Laugh and Live by Douglas Fairbanks

Laugh and Live | Douglas Fairbanks

This book is available in e-book and audiobook format.

Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. was an American actor, screenwriter, director and producer. He was best known for his swashbuckling roles in silent films such as The Thief of Baghdad, Robin Hood, and The Mark of Zorro. His book, Laugh and Live, is a book about positive virtues and advice for leading a good, healthy, and successful life. An advisory about this book is in order. It was written at a time when “men went to work, women kept house, and supported their man”. Some of the writing and references are old-fashioned by today’s standards. Several ideas may be at odds with plans for successful lives today, especially for female listeners. Listeners should still find many valuable common-sense suggestions for leading a wholesome life

Thinking As A Science by Henry Hazlitt

Thinking As A Science | Henry Hazlitt

This book is available in e-book and audiobook format.

Written in a conversational style that will appeal to the younger person as well as seasoned professional, “Thinking as a Science” is timeless classic. Through eleven chapters, the last being a descriptive, annotated bibliography, Henry Hazlitt systematically takes the step-by-step on the process of introducing logic and context into the thinking process. The rather long chapter on “Reading and Thinking” clarifies several notions on where one needs to understand where mere knowledge acquisition ends and using reading the stimulate thinking begins. For an individual who was largely self taught, Hazlitt’s contribution to the process of thinking is a must-read

The Wisdom of Father Brown by G. K. Chesterton

The Wisdom of Father Brown | G. K. Chesterton

This book is available in e-book and audiobook format.

This is the second of five books of short stories about G. K. Chesterton’s fictional detective. Father Brown is a short, nondescript Catholic Priest with shapeless clothes and a large umbrella who has an uncanny insight into human evil. His methods, unlike those of his near-contemporary Sherlock Holmes, although based on observation of details often unnoticed by others, tended to be intuitive rather than deductive. Although clearly devout, he always emphasizes rationality: despite his religiousness and his belief in God and miracles, he manages to see the perfectly ordinary, natural explanation of the problem. He is a devout, educated and “civilized” clergyman, who is totally familiar with contemporary and secular thought and behavior. His character was thought to be based on Father John O’Connor, a parish priest in Bradford, Yorkshire.

Making Your Own World by Warren Hilton

Making Your Own World | Warren Hilton

This book is available in e-book format.

I. All human achievement comes about through bodily activity.

II. All bodily activity is caused, controlled and directed by the mind.

To these two fundamental propositions we now append a third, which needs no proof, but follows as a natural and logical conclusion from the other two:

III. The Mind is the instrument you must employ for the accomplishment of any purpose.
Three Postulates for this Course

With these three fundamental propositions as postulates, it will be the end and aim of this Course of Reading to develop plain, simple and specific methods and directions for the most efficient use of the mind in the attainment of practical ends.

It Can Be Done

It Can Be Done |

This book is available in e-book and audiobook format.

This book contains many poems of inspiration, joy and hope. Just the thing to encourage our spirits and strengthen our backbone when troubles seem too much. The purpose of this volume is to bring men courage and resolution, to cheer them, to fire them with new confidence when they grow dispirited, to strengthen their faith that THINGS CAN BE DONE. It is better for this purpose than the entire works of any one poet, for it takes the cream of many and has greater diversity than any one writer can show. Besides the poems themselves, the volume contains helps to their understanding and enjoyment. The pieces are introduced by short comments; these serve the same purpose as the strain played by the pianist before the singer begins to sing; they create a mood, give a point of view, throw light on the meaning of what follows.

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Java Head

Java Head by Joseph Hergesheimer

Java Head by Joseph Hergesheimer

Java Head is a novel of the American merchant marine at the beginning of the great clipper ship era. It is laid in Salem, when that city was still a port rich with the traffic of the East Indies; a story of choleric ship masters, charming girls, and an aristocratic Manchu woman in carmine and jades and crusted gold. There is a drama as secret and poisonous as opium, lovely old gardens with lilac trees and green lattices, and elm-shaded streets ending at the harbor with the brigs unloading ivory from Africa and the ships crowding on their topsails for Canton. It is a romantic novel-and yet true-rather than a study of drab manners; there is no purpose in it other than the pleasure to be found in the spectacle of life supported by high courage and made beautiful by women in peacock shawls.

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